Ministério do Esporte On the last but one day of the Paralympics, Brazil guarantees seventh place in the table
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On the last but one day of the Paralympics, Brazil guarantees seventh place in the table

A day before the end of the competition in London, Brazil reached the target established by the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB) of finishing the Paralympic Games in the seventh place in the medal table. With the five gold won this Saturday (08.09) - boccia (two), swimming, athletics and 5-a-side football -, the country reached 20 gold medals and can no longer be left behind by Germany, which has 18 and will not take part in the final events this Sunday (09.09).

The Brazilian leap started in the morning, with a gold medal and world record by Shirlene Coelho in the javelin throw - F37/38 - (37.86m). On the last of competitions at the Olympic Stadium there was also a double podium for Brazil in the T11 100m, with Lucas Prado (silver) and Felipe Gomes (bronze), as well as a silver medal and world record for Caludiney Batista in the javelin throw - F57/58 -, reaching 45.38m.

Brazil?s 17th gold medal in London, surpassing the 16 won in Beijing, came in boccia with Maciel Santos, who beat Zhigiang Yan from China 8-0 in the BC2 class. A little later, it was 5-a-side football?s turn to win the gold, winning their third Paralympic title without conceding one goal and beating France 2-0 in the final. With the result, Brazil equalled the total number of gold medals won by Germany (18), but lost the seventh place because of the number of silver medals won.

Swimming and boccia
The draw came when Daniel Dias hit the pool at the Water Park for the 100 freestyle in the S5 category. Biggest Brazilian Paralympic medallist, Daniel won his sixth gold in London. The only athlete who has more gold than him is Jacqueline Freney from Australia, who won eight.

The Brazilian lead was guaranteed with another gold in boccia, won by Dirceu Pinto with a victory over Yuansen Zheng from China in the tie-break, after a 3-3 draw. As a result, Dirceu won his second title in the BC4 class and made history for Brazil: never before, in an edition of the Paralympic Games, had a team won so many gold medals in the sport.

This Sunday (09.09), Brazil bids farewell to the Games with Tito Sena and Ozivam Bonfim in the T46 marathon, with the start scheduled for 8.00 (4.00 Brazil time) and 7-a-side football will play the bronze medal match against Iran, at 13.30 (9.30 Brazil time).

Source: CPB
Photo: CPB
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