Ministério do Esporte Brazilian Paralympic Committee praise 7th place and the success achieved in London
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Brazilian Paralympic Committee praise 7th place and the success achieved in London

This Sunday (09.09), the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB) assessed Brazil?s participation in the London Paralympics.  In the ten days of competition, Brazilian athletes achieved 43 podium finishes: 21 gold, 14 silver and 8 bronze. CPB highlighted the support from the Ministry of Sport and the need for increasing investments, particularly from the private initiative.

CPB President Andrew Parsons assessed Brazil?s performance in the Paralympic Games positively and pointed out that the targets established were reached. "The assessment is the best possible and we have reached our general objectives. We managed to finish seventh in the medal table and won 21 gold, which had also been established as a target by CPB", he stated. Parsons also recalled that some of the injuries and disqualifications took away the chance of Brazil winning more medals, as was the case with athletics.

In Beijing 2008, Brazil won 16 gold medals and 47 in total. In London, it was 21 gold and 43 in total. CPB's assessment points to the success in the preparation of some sports and the need to adjust the planning for others. Swimming and athletics stood out by winning together 32 medals for Brazil, 16 gold. "These Games have taught us some lessons, such as diversifying Brazil?s participation in other categories. We want to increase this for 2016", said Parsons. "We have a lot of human material to work with. There's a lot of new people around", he added.

Support from the government
The CPB President pointed out the support from the federal government in Brazil?s preparation for the London 2012 Paralympic Games. The Ministry of Sport allocated R$ 12 million for the Paralympic Committee just this year. For the pre-season in Manchester, R$ 3.5 million were allocated. "The strategic planning was developed together with the confederations and the federal government, which ensured support to all sports that were part of the London programme", he explained.

All Brazilian Paralympic medals in London were won by beneficiaries of the Ministry of Sport?s Athlete Grant Programme. Out of the 182 athletes in the national delegation, 156 (85%) were beneficiaries of the programme.

For the Rio 2016 Games, Parsons expects public investments to continue, as well as an increase in interest from private entities to sponsor Paralympic sport. "We shall review our targets for 2016, analyse them in detail. I am certain that the federal government, who have helped us reach the seventh place in London, will continue to invest, but we need the private initiative", he stated. "Where investments were made, the Paralympic movement achieved results. The goal is to always look forward".

Rafael Brais, from London
Marcelo Saraiva
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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