Ministério do Esporte Brazil wins triple podium for the first time in the London Paralympics
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Brazil wins triple podium for the first time in the London Paralympics

Brazilian women made history this Wednesday (05.09) at the London 2012 Paralympic Games. Terezinha Guilhermina, Jerusa Santos and Jhulia Santos, won Brazil?s first ever triple podium for Brazil at the Paralympics, finishing first, second and third. The three athletes are beneficiaries of the Ministry of Sport?s Athlete Grant Programme.

Terezinha Guilhermina, who had lost in the 400m yesterday, won the 100m, running it in 12.01 seconds, new world record. Soon after leaving the track, the athlete assessed her come around as a special moment. "It was very special running again after what happened yesterday. I was able to show the world that we can cry one day, but smile the net", said the runner, who wore a special hairdo to pay homage to Brazilian children.

Terezinha explained that this gold in the 100m has a special flavour, as in the Paralympics in Beijing 2008 she tripped at the start line. "And I also broke the world record. I?m going back to Brazil with a smile on my face", she said.

Silver medallist Jerusa Santos emphasised the emotion of being on podium dominated by Brazil, dream that had been delayed on Sunday, in the 200m. She ran the final in 12.75 seconds. "This time the Chinese, who is always right behind us, didn't manage it." It is very exciting to know that for the first time Brazil will be in all podium positions", she commented.

Sprinter Jhulia Santos, bronze medallist with the time of 12.76 seconds, was relieved and excited with the result. In the 200m event on Sunday, she had been awarded the bronze from the Chinese athlete, but because of an appeal made by the Chinese Committee, was placed in fourth again in the final.  "I was afraid and a little traumatised with what happened and this time everything worked out. I came to get my medal", she stated. Jhulia recalled her difficult life, having to move from Pará to Manaus and then, to Rio de Janeiro. "I still don't believe it", she said about the bronze.

Alan Fonteles, André Oliveira, Antônio Delfino and Yohansson Nascimento finished in second in the 4x100m relay, but were disqualified because of irregularities related to passing the baton.

Rafael Brais, from London
Photo: Marcelo Saraiva
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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