Ministério do Esporte André Brasil breaks the world record and becomes a two-time Paralympic champion
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André Brasil breaks the world record and becomes a two-time Paralympic champion

Swimmer André Brasil won his second Paralympic title in the 50m freestyle in the S10 category, this Friday (31.08). With the time of 23.16 seconds, the athlete guaranteed his second medal in London. The other Brazilian in the event, Phelipe Rodrigues, finished fourth. In judo, Brazil won another silver and a bronze today. Swimmers and judokas are also beneficiaries of the Ministry of Sport's Athlete Grant Programme.

André Brasil praised the level of his adversaries and said to be happy  he managed to keep his title. "Four athletes swan under 24 seconds and I was happy with the result", he said. "Today I can say that I?m a two-time Paralympic champion."

Brasil, who still has another six events to swim in, stated that it is important to leave euphoria aside and stay concentrated in order to continue to perform in the Games. "I?m happy, satisfied, moved, but it is over. There?s more tomorrow", he commented, after the race.

Fourth place in the final, Phelipe Rodrigues was not happy with his performance and promised to strive to win a medal this Saturday, in the 100m butterfly in the S10 category. "I really expected to have swam faster. I managed to get my time down, but I was not happy. Now it is time to concentrate for tomorrow", he added.

Judo guaranteed another two medals for Brazil, with athletes who are beneficiaries of the Athlete Grant Programme of the Ministry of Sport. Lucia Teixeira scooped up the silver in the 57kg category and Daniele Bernardes won the bronze in the 63kg category.

Rafael Brais, from London
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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