Ministério do Esporte Brazilian flag hangs in the Paralympic Village
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Brazilian flag hangs in the Paralympic Village

Brazil is officially in London. This Monday (27.08), athletes who will compete in the Paralympic Games gathered for the national flag raising ceremony at the Paralympic Village as a sign of welcome to the green and yellow delegation. The British dance and music group the National Youth Theatre performed at the event.

"The ceremony made it clear that the Brazilian delegation is in good spirits. It shows that we?re a great team and not only different sportspeople who have come together. It is almost time and the athletes know of their responsibilities and our goals, but are confident, as they have never arrived at a Paralympics so prepared", pointed out the president of the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB) Andrew Parsons.

The member of the British parliament Don Foster was given miniatures of the Christ the Redeemer statue and the Sugar Loaf, as well as a set of cups by Athos Bulcão. In exchange, the Brazilian delegation was given a glass plaque with a picture of the Olympic Park.

Brazilian delegation

"For me London started the day I left Beijing. Now I?m living every moment in a special way. This ceremony for raising the flag was very special, because I felt as I've never felt before in this group", said sprinter Terezinha Guilhermina, who will compete in her third Paralympics. "I?m very happy to be here and very moved by everything that is happening in my life", added the sprinter, who is a beneficiary of the Ministry of Sport's Athlete Grant Programme.

Official opening
On Wednesday (29.08), Brazilian athletes will take part in the official opening ceremony of the London Games, at 17.00 (Brazil time). Swimmer Daniel Dias, who won nine medals in the Beijing Games in 2008, will be Brazil?s flag bearer. "I'm looking forward to going into the stadium bearing the flag and start swimming soon. But I have to admit that I'm looking forward more to bearing the flag. It will be very exciting to represent the whole delegation and the Brazilian people", says Daniel.

Paula Braga, with CPB
Photo: CPB

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