Ministério do Esporte Paralympic rowing team trains in Manchester to win gold in London
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Paralympic rowing team trains in Manchester to win gold in London

The Brazilian rowing team that will compete in the London Paralympics is made up of nine athletes. In Manchester, the delegation is training on the city?s canal, expecting to make history in the Paralympics and scoop up at least two podium finishes. Four medals are up for grabs (one for the women, one for the men and two mixed team medals).

The sport was included in the Paralympic Games Programme for the first time in the Beijing edition in 2008, when Brazil won the bronze in the women's single scull. In London, the events will take place on the waters at Eton Dorney and it is the first time that Brazil will complete with a full team.

Silver medallist in the last World Cup in Munich, Cláudia Santos is one of the favourites for a podium finish in her event. In Germany, she finished as runner-up, behind only Alla Lysenko from the Ukraine. Nathalie Benoit from France, who is usually the Brazilian?s direct opponent, finished in fourth place.

"A step has been taken. Now we have to conquer just the one more obstacle for the dream of a gold medal to be fulfilled. I?m training hard and I believe in the podium. Root for me", said the Brazilian.

Australia, Great Britain, Russia and Germany are also countries with tradition in the sport. However, the Brazilian team is promising to do their best to win a podium finish in London. The team is coordinated by Rodrigo Rojas, with coaches José Paulo de Lima and Acácio Lemos leading the training.

Understand how the sport is organised:
Athletes are put into categories according to their motor capabilities and each category competes using a type of boat. A rower may compete in a category above his/her?s, but not in the one below. For example, AS and TA rowers may compete in LTA events, but an LTA athlete cannot compete in a TA event.

- AS: arms and shoulders.  Athletes use a fixed seat with back. Boat: single scull. Crew: male and female.
- TA: torso and arms. Athletes use fixed seats. Boat: double scull. Crew: mixed (a man and a woman).
- LTA: legs, torso and arms. Athletes use a sliding seat. Boat: with helmsman.  Crew: mixed (two men and two women).

Photo: CPB
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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