Ministério do Esporte Daniel Dias wins the 100m breaststroke and becomes the biggest medallist in Paralympics
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Daniel Dias wins the 100m breaststroke and becomes the biggest medallist in Paralympics

This Tuesday (04.09), swimmer Daniel Dias became Brazil?s biggest gold medal winner in Paralympics at the London 2012 Games.  The Brazilian won the 100m breaststroke SB4 event with a new world record (1minute 32.7 seconds) and won his seventh gold medal, adding to the ones scooped up at Beijing 2008. The swimmer may increase this mark because he still has three individual events, plus a relay to swim. The athlete is also a beneficiary of the Athlete Grant Programme.

Daniel Dias was happy with his performance in the 100m breaststroke, event for which he does not train for specifically. "It was surprising for me. A world record is always good, particularly when we're not expecting it", he said. In relation to becoming Brazil?s biggest gold medal winner, Dias preferred not to comment. "I hadn?t thought of that. It is a fantastic achievement, but I prefer to talk at the end of the Paralympics", he added, explaining that he still needs to concentrate.

The athlete was born with congenital malformation of his upper limbs and right leg. His inspiration for swimming was triggered when he watched swimmer Clodoaldo Silva win several gold medals on TV at the Athens Paralympics in 2004. "People need to believe in their dreams. Nothing is impossible when we believe it", he pointed out.

André Brasil scooped up the silver in the 100m backstroke S10 with the time of 1 minute 0.11 seconds. The gold went to American Justin Zook, who swam it in 1 minute 0.1 seconds. The swimmer highlighted the evolution of his result in relation to the Paralympics in Beijing 2008, but said that he expected the gold. "I was fourth in Beijing and don?t train for this event much. Still, I expected to swim under the 1 minute mark and win. Now I have to concentrate on the next events", he added.

Rafael Brais, from London
Fernando Maia/CPB
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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