Ministério do Esporte In an official note, President Dilma Rousseff congratulates Paralympic Games medallists
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In an official note, President Dilma Rousseff congratulates Paralympic Games medallists

"I was very happy to receive the news of the four medals won this Sunday in the 200 metres in women's and men's athletics at the London Paralympic Games. Showing backbone and overcoming difficulties, our Paralympic athletes have beaten records and achieved historical victories.

I want to congratulate Yohansson do Nascimento, gold medallist in the T46 200m; Alan Fonteltes, gold medallist in the T44 200m; Terezinha Guilhermino, another gold medallist and Jerusa Santos, silver medallist, both champions in the T11 200m race.

These results add to the five medals already won by Daniel Dias (two gold) and Andre Brasil (two gold and a silver) in swimming and the four medals won in judo by Lúcia Teixeira (silver), Michele Ferreira (bronze), Daniela Bernardes (bronze) and Antônio Tenório (bronze) at the Paralympic Games. Congratulations to you all.

I am certain that I represent the feelings of all Brazilians when I pay homage to our athletes and express the immense sense of pride that their performances bring us."

Dilma Rousseff
President of the Federative Republic of Brazil

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