Ministério do Esporte President Dilma congratulates Brazilian delegation that competed in London
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President Dilma congratulates Brazilian delegation that competed in London

"On this last of the Olympic Games in London, I would like tocongratulate all athletes who are returning to Brazil with their medals - gold,silver and bronze -, as well as the other athletes who gave it their all inLondon to overcome limitations and represent our nation in these Games.

I would like to reiterate my special congratulations to those who wongold medals, the women?s volleyball team, Sarah Menezes and Arthur Zanetti,whose achievements were the first for Brazilian judo and Gymnastics at theOlympics.

Our athletes have shown, in several sports, to be examples of strength,effort and selflessness, and have proven that Brazil is helping to build,through sport, examples of perseverance and role models for our young people." 

Dilma Rousseff
President of the Federative Republic of Brazil

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