Ministério do Esporte Brazil and UK Ministers of Sport increase partnership
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Brazil and UK Ministers of Sport increase partnership

This Saturday (11.08), the Minister of Sport Aldo Rebelo attended the seminar Brazil Business Day at Lancaster House in London. Promoted by the UK Foreign Commonwealth Office, with support of UK Trade & Investment, the event had the attendance of the British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, Brazil's Vice-President Michel Temer, the UK Minister for Sport and the Olympics Hugh Robertson, the Governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro Sergio Cabral and the Chairman of the Public Olympic Authority (APO) Marcio Fortes, among other authorities.

Aldo Rebelo and Robertson used the seminar to strengthen the partnership between Brazil and the United Kingdom in the area of sport. At the meeting, also attended by the Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Sport Luis Fernandes, the Brazilian Minister suggested to his colleague that a British mission be set up to cooperate with Brazil in the planning for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games and the School Games. Aldo Rebelo would also like to have assistance from the British in the drafting of a general sports law for Brazil. "The idea is for an open and long lasting cooperation in sport, based on the strong history of partnership that has always marked the relationship between both countries", defined the Brazilian Minister.

Robertson said that the British experience in the organisation of the London Olympic Games would be at Brazil's disposal. The British Minister himself wants to be the interlocutor in the consolidation of the partnership with Brazil. "Even before being part of the government, I already took part in discussions about sport policy. I followed all the details in the planning and delivery of the Olympics. We know it is a big challenge and we can help. We are certain that Brazil will put its brand on the World Cup and the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro."

Aldo Rebelo highlighted the British Minister?s will to strengthen agreements between both countries: "We left having committed to achieving great cooperation between Brazil and the United Kingdom, not only in preparation work for the Olympics and World Cup, but in the area of sport as a whole, including the training of athletes".

The Brazilian Minister added that the partnership will not be a one-off endeavour, focusing on the big events. "The partnership has already started, we?ve had several meetings. The agreement will also be strategic in the area of sport at universities, involving Brazil and the United Kingdom directly", he revealed.

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