Ministério do Esporte Over 50% of Brazil?s Olympic medals have been won in the last 16 years
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Over 50% of Brazil?s Olympic medals have been won in the last 16 years

Including the London edition of the Olympic Games, Brazil has been taking part in the competition for 92 years.  The first Brazilian athletes to compete at an Olympics did so at the Antwerp Games in 1920, Belgium. After the end of the London Games, the Brazilian delegation will go home with over 100 podiums finishes in the history of the world's biggest multi-sport competition. Out of these medals, over half were won in the last 16 years, starting in Atlanta 1996.

That year, the Brazilians won 15 medals. In the following edition in Sydney, 12 medals were won. Four years later, Brazil won 10 medals in Athens.

In the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, the Brazilian team won 15 medals. In this edition, Brazil has already won 11 medals, totalling 63 in the last 16 years. Until now, Brazil has 102 Olympic medals.

For the National Secretary of High Performance Sport of the Ministry of Sport Ricardo Leyser, Brazilians are discovering new sports. "Brazil has never had Olympic tradition because our history is reasonably recent. Over 50% of the results have come in the last few years and it was from then on that Brazil started to develop tradition in these Olympic sports", he stated.

At the same time, federal government investments in sport have increased. "Since we won the right to host the Olympic Games in 2009, we have increased resources available for sport.  In their majority, resources for Brazilian Olympic sports come from a public source, through the lotteries, the government or resources raised by the Sports Incentive Law", said Ricardo Leyser. The Secretary added that investments will continue to be made in the next four years.

Breno Barros, from Londres
Photo: Publicising
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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