Ministério do Esporte Film Heleno opens the Cineclub project at Brazil?s embassy in London
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Film Heleno opens the Cineclub project at Brazil?s embassy in London

This Wednesday (08.08), Brazil?s embassy in London launched the Cineclub project.  The audience was able to watch the premiere of 'Heleno?, a film by José Henrique de Fonseca, in a space, on the first floor of the building that has capacity for 80 people, near Trafalgar Square, in the British capital. The first session was attended by the host, Ambassador Roberto Jaguaribe and the Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Sport Luis Fernandes.

The embassy itself is a very beautiful place and we are glad to have been able to hold the Brazil at Heart exhibition here, which showcases the country. Following the sport trend, the Cineclub opened with a film about Heleno de Freitas. Not that well known by the young football talents, he was an important figure in Brazilian footballing history.  And it is always good to bring together culture, football, innovation and the promotion of Brazil", said Luis Fernandes.

The launch of the project was planned to make the most of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, as well as the opportunity to interact with the Brazil at Heart exhibition, which will be open until the 2nd of September.

The next films will also be shown on Wednesdays, at the same time. The picture to be shown on the second session on the 15th is 'Gina', by Fernando Meirelles.

The Brazil at Heart exhibition will be open to the general public until the 2nd of September and highlights Brazil?s capacity to host mega events, with innovative products and services, in addition to the growing tourist potential. The initiative will promote Brazil?s image during the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and is a joint action from the Ministries of Sport, External Relations and Tourism, the Brazilian Tourism Agency (EMBRATUR) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil).

Cineclub Project
Session time: Wednesday (08.08), at 18.00
Venue: Brazil Embassy in London - 14-16 Cockspur Street, London SW1Y 5BL - 1st floor
Further information:

Photo: Lilian Amaral
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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