Ministério do Esporte Exhibition in London shows Rio in 3D and takes supporters into the match
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Exhibition in London shows Rio in 3D and takes supporters into the match

Put on the special goggles and start a 3D trip through the beaches of Rio de Janeiro and Mangueira samba school. This is the invitation made by researchers of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) during the Brazil at Heart exhibition at the country's embassy in London.

The advanced visual apps have taken Rio de Janeiro to the virtual world with incredible resolution, with the film StereoEssays of the Ministry of Science and Technology, produced by the Mackenzie University and funded by the National Education and Research Network (RNP). The technology used in the feature film allows movies to be projected in high resolution and in real time.

In addition to the cinema focused research, the UFPB group has developed the NetFans app, which is an opportunity for sport fans to take part in competition, despite not being at the venue. Through the tool, people are able to project their images inside the match, downloading photos that are put up on a big screen at the event's venue.

The ideas were approved by the public and may generate business, says researcher Lucenildo de Aquino Júnior. "Talking about marketplace and partnerships, some visitors have shown interest, among them a Belgium projector manufacturer, who does not have the technology to play, but makes the projector. They have got in touch to see if we can establish a partnership for the 2014 World Cup. We have had very positive return", celebrates Aquino Júniro, MA student at UFPB.

João Leiva, consultant in the area of culture and sport for enterprises, foundations and institutes confirms the student?s positive expectations: "It is a very interesting project. I have been in London for two weeks and have been to several seminars and events. One of the things most talked about here has been the issue of the use of technology".

Social Networks
According to Leiva, this is the Olympics of the social networks, which should be even stronger in Rio de Janeiro. Therefore, it is important to identify their impact. He also pointed out the importance of the partnership between the public and private sectors. "What we have seen here is that it is essential for the public and private initiative to be aligned. If we do not have that, it will not work in Brazil."

The UFPB project brings together over 20 people, supervised by Professor Guido de Souza Filho. In London, the team is being represented by students José Ivan Vilarouca Filho and Aquino Júnior who are at the exhibition stand hosting visitors and explaining the new technology.

The Brazil at Heart exhibition will be open to the general public until the 2nd of September and highlights Brazil?s capacity to host mega events, with innovative products and services, in addition to the growing tourist potential. The initiative, which is promoting Brazil?s image during the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, is a joint action from the Ministries of Sport, External Relations and Tourism, the Brazilian Tourism Agency (EMBRATUR) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil).

Lilian Amaral, from London
Photo: Lilian Amaral
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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