Ministério do Esporte Brazilian judo leaves London with its best ever Olympic performance
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Brazilian judo leaves London with its best ever Olympic performance

Four young judokas leave London for Brazil with medals in their bags: a gold and three bronze. Brazil had not won a gold medal in judo for 20 years.  "This is a very talented generation of winners. They deserved this gold medal. This is the result of work carried out in the last Olympic cycle", stated Ney Wilson, head of the judo team.

Medal winners Sarah Menezes (gold in the -48kg category), Mayra Aguiar (bronze; -78kg), Felipe Kitadai (bronze; -60kg) and Rafael Silva (bronze; +100kg) took part in a press conference this Saturday (04.08) at Casa Brasil.  Brazil?s judo performance at the Olympics in London was their best in history.

"It was part of our planning. The great challenge of this Olympics was to get a gold medal. We had enough power to win four medals, which is what happened. Some commentators were predicting six, but I was always had my feet on the ground and thought that it was more like four. We have managed to achieve more than before", said Ney Wilson.

Rafael highlighted that the bronze medal - the first Brazilian medal in the judo heavyweight category - was the result of a lot of effort: "I am very happy because this is the materialisation of all the work done, the training and all our sacrifice, of leaving our families and friends behind. This result is fruit of a lot of work".

Athlete Grant Programme
The four medal winning judokas are beneficiaries of the Athlete Grant Programme of the Ministry of Sport. Rafael believes that by investing in sport new Brazilian heroes are created. "The Athlete Grant Programme is a very big incentive for those who are starting.  The government has to invest in high performance sport because the athletes are role models of a new generation", said Rafael.

Mayra added that the programme guarantees athletes stability.  "Incentive is everything in sport; it makes us believe in our potential and brings us peace of mind. We sacrifice a lot to be here, there?s a lot of travelling, you?re away from your family. With this incentive you are able to work with all the support necessary and the results are achieved.

Breno Barros, from London
Photo: Marcelo Saraiva
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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