Ministério do Esporte Over four thousand people have visited the Brazil at Heart exhibition in eight days
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Over four thousand people have visited the Brazil at Heart exhibition in eight days

Imagine a panoramic picture. Now imagine it can offer a 360 degree view, with audio and movement. In addition, you can choose what to see and interact with the image. It is this set of features that makes the Visorama into a unique and innovative system. The project is being shown at the Brazil at Heart exhibition, at Brazil's embassy in London. The exhibition, which showcases several Brazilian technology and innovation initiatives, as well as details of the 12 host cities of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, has already been visited by 4,102 people since its opening on the 28th of July.

At the exhibition, using a sophisticated pair of electronic binoculars, visitors have the chance of seeing the cities of Rio de Janeiro and London in detail.  The technology brings together several different types of multimedia, such as videos, audio and animation.

Ruben Zonenschein, executive director of Digitok, company in charge of the project, gives more examples of how the technology may be used.  "The program may be used in areas like tourism, education, entertainment and even games. A simple example is a very big image where you have to find an element, as in 'Where?s Wally??", states Zonenschein, referring to the series of books that have pictures where the main character, Wally, is hidden amidst the crowd.

He explains that the product is still being released, but a lot of interest has been shown in establishing partnerships. "Now is the moment to promote Visorama, but some of our experiments, such as a picture of Rio in three different time periods, has won everyone over", he states.

The public in London also approved of the innovation. The British family, made up of Lincoln, Debbie, Anthony and Lucy saw the project this Sunday (05.08) and were impressed.  "This is fantastic. We had seen a lot of stuff on the internet, but this program allows for interaction. And Rio is beautiful! We are able to see a lot of the city?s details. We ended up wanting to go to the 2016 Olympic Games", said Debbie.

The Brazil at Heart exhibition will be open to the general public until the 2nd of September and highlights Brazil?s capacity to host mega events, with innovative products and services, in addition to the growing tourist potential. The initiative will promote Brazil?s image during the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and is a joint action from the Ministries of Sport, External Relations and Tourism, the Brazilian Tourism Agency (EMBRATUR) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil).

Brazil at Heart Exhibition
Address: Brazilian Embassy in London (14-16 Cockspur Street, SW 1 Y 5BL, near Trafalgar Square).  28 July to 2 September; Tuesday to Sunday, 12.00 to 18.00; Wednesdays 12.00 to 21.00

Lilian Amaral, from London
Photo: Lilian Amaral
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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