Ministério do Esporte Ministry of Sport prepares measures for enhancing the Athlete Grant Programme
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Ministry of Sport prepares measures for enhancing the Athlete Grant Programme

The Athlete Grant Programme of the Ministry of Sport, biggest direct financial support programme for competitors in the world, is undergoing a streamlining process in order to adapt it even more to the needs of Brazilian athletes. "The law was passed in 2005. We reviewed it in 2010 and some alterations were made in 2011. Now the alterations are beginning to take effect", explains the national secretary of High Performance Sports of the Ministry of Sport Ricardo Leyser.

The secretary has informed that the Ministry is preparing measures to streamline the athlete's registry system. "We are doing a number of administrative interventions to make it faster and easier for athletes to register on the system. It is another streamlining stage. We hope to be able to register them automatically, skipping some bureaucratic steps, so that the athlete may have access to the benefit as soon as possible, as well as ensuring that this aid from the federal government be continuous", he informed.

In order to turn the country into a sporting power, the work developed by the Secretariat of High Performance goes beyond the Athlete Grant Programme, according to Ricardo Leyser.  "We have some preparation lines of action, for London 2012, as well as for Rio 2016. The grant and the changes are important because they reach the whole delegation, the Olympic as well as the Paralympic. But we also work with training centres throughout Brazil, some already in operation and others that are starting their operations or construction", he emphasised.

Breno Barros, from London
Photo: Marcelo Saraiva
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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