Ministério do Esporte In London, Aldo Rebelo and Minister of Australia plan sport exchange
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In London, Aldo Rebelo and Minister of Australia plan sport exchange

This Wednesday afternoon (01.08), the Minister of Sport Aldo Rebelo met with Australia?s Minister of Sport Kate Lundy, at the official residence of the Australian High Commissioner John Dauth.  On the occasion, both talked about technological innovations and partnership between the countries for the exchange of information. "We have companies with a lot of market experience who are developing technological innovations, particularly for the building of stadiums. This will give us technology that later may be used in private and public structures, such as schools and hospitals", said Aldo Rebelo.

The Minister explained to Kate Lundy that sustainable innovation has been the focus of the 2014 FIFA World Cup stadiums. "Most of them will have solar energy. As it is expensive equipment, we are establishing partnership with the electricity supply companies."

The Australian Minister liked what she heard and confirmed that both countries have a lot to talk about. "Like yourselves, we are also concerned with striving to find new technologies in the area of sustainability", stated Kate Lundy. "The British government acknowledged our experience with the Sydney Games and admitted that a lot was based on our stuff.  We can draft a document for you to use as a guide", she added.

In December 2010, both countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding, between Brazil's Ministry of Sport and Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The goal is to promote sport cooperation, taking into consideration trade opportunities.

In the agreement, Brazil and Australia commit to facilitating a structured programme for official visits by the government and the Olympic Games Organising Committee, with the aim of sharing knowledge and good practices in areas related to the organisation of big events.

At the end of the meeting, both Ministers went to the residence?s garden, where a cocktail was offered by the Australian Olympic Committee.  Aldo Rebelo greeted Australian divers, before leaving for the Brazilian embassy in London.

Coincidentally, at the Brazilian embassy, the Minister met brother and sister Daniele and Diego Hypolito, gymnasts who visited the Brazil at Heart exhibition.

Lilian Amaral, from London
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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