Ministério do Esporte Aldo Rebelo takes part in DNA project at the Brazil at Heart exhibition
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Aldo Rebelo takes part in DNA project at the Brazil at Heart exhibition

The Minister of Sport Aldo Rebelo took part in the DNA collection for the We R No Race project during another visit to the Brazil at Heart exhibition, this Wednesday morning (01.08), at Brazil's embassy in London.

"The project not only allows for prejudice to be broken, but also makes us understand why we find such unity in diversity. We identify ourselves as Brazilians, with our indigenous, African and European origins. I think that in this way, Brazil may use the World Cup and Olympics as a moment to celebrate the virtue of being tolerant", added the Minister.

The project gives visitors a chance of taking part in a DNA study and know a little bit more about their genetic origins. The goal is to collect around one thousand samples, as a second part of the research. Five thousand samples were collected in Brazil previously.

Developed by Professor Sérgio Pena of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), the We R No Race has the aim of proving that the historical definition of race is mistaken. Despite a continent appearing to have similar common physical traits, like skin colour, the human genome shows that most variations take place between people from the same population. Therefore, the We R No Race project has the aim of breaking down the myth of the existence of several races, admitting the existence of the human race only and reducing prejudice.

Lilian Amaral, from London
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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