Ministério do Esporte With no pressure, Fabiana Murer sees the Olympics as an opportunity to fly high
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With no pressure, Fabiana Murer sees the Olympics as an opportunity to fly high

Two-time world pole vault champion Fabiana Murer has arrived in London without the pressure of having to win a medal. "I do not consider myself a favourite. I?m with the rest of them, I just have to go there and pole vault. It is one more competition and my motivation is different. I have been focusing on the Olympics this year and I want to make the most of it, performing well and having fun. If my vault is enough for a medal I?ll be happy", says the athlete. During 2012, she prepared differently, with more training and less competition.

Fabiana reveals that she got to London more confident than she was at the Beijing Games in 2008. "My vault is more consistent at the moment. In Beijing, I had vaulted 4.80m once. Now, in this Olympic cycle, I have reached this many times. Today I know how to go into a competition, I am calmer, more mature and know what I'm doing. All of this gives me more confidence for the competition", she said.

At the London Games, the pole vault event will take place next Saturday (04.08), at the Olympic Stadium. "It will be a difficult competition because it will be balanced. I believe that the athlete that manages 4.80m will be in with a chance of a medal", she stated.

The athlete?s technical staff is taking special care with the equipment so that everything goes according to plan during the event. "This year I have brought nine poles. The poles are flexible and I?ll choose which one to use at the time of the vault, based on my flexibility, my weight, the height and my technique", explained Fabiana. The choice of different poles is based on the event?s different conditions. 

Elson Miranda, the athlete?s coach, talked about how the sport and the pole vaulting structure have developed in Brazil. "Today Brazil uses the same standard equipment for training as foreign athletes. This year, Thiago Braz was crowned world junior champion in Barcelona. He had already been runner-up in the Youth Olympic Games in Singapore. This shows that pole vault has developed. Indeed, this is mainly due to better sponsors, because it is an expensive sport", he added.

Breno Barros, from London
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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