Ministério do Esporte Sarah and Kitadai talk about their experience of getting up on the podium
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Sarah and Kitadai talk about their experience of getting up on the podium

Applauded by Brazilian journalists on their way in to the press conference, this Sunday (29.07) afternoon at Casa Brasil in London, Olympic medallists Sarah Menezes and Felipe Kitadai talked about the experience of getting up on the podium at the Olympics. "It is the dream of any athlete to win a medal, particularly gold", said judoka Sarah.

The 22 year old from the state of Piauí talked about her relation with her home town and training in Teresina (state capital).  "I have never left Teresina. With time we managed to get a training structure together in my city. I consider myself as having two families: one in Teresina and the other in the national team. I am very young and I still have two Olympic cycles to compete in", commented Sarah.  On the first day of official competition, the young lady, who is a beneficiary of the Athlete Grant Programme of the Ministry of Sport, became the first woman in the country to win a gold medal in judo.

The bronze medal winner Felipe Kitadai, also a beneficiary of the Ministry's programme, talked about the strategy he used in the fight that took him to the podium.  "My strategy was to win all fights. However, that was not possible and I ended up losing the third fight to the judoka currently ranked first.  Then I managed to recover to win us the bronze medal", said the athlete.

Sarah Menezes highlighted the important of the Athlete Grant Programme in keeping athletes in sport and finding new talent. "The help is crucial at the junior level, for young athletes who have the aim of making it to the Olympics one day", she said.  

For the President of the Brazilian Judo Confederation (CBJ) Paulo Wanderley Teixeira, the Ministry of Sport is a great partner of judo. "The Federal Government is a great partner of all sports in Brazil and contributes to judo through actions such as the Athlete Grant Programme, covenants and the Sports Incentive Law.  We are nothing but grateful to the government, especially the Minister and President Dilma Rousseff, for everything they have done for Brazilian sport", he said.  

Paulo Wanderley pointed out the visit of the Minister of Sport Aldo Rebelo, who offered his congratulations to the Olympic medallists in person. "The Minister and Secretary Ricardo Leyser visited the judo athletes and showed how much they care for Brazilian sport.  Judo showed that it is doing its homework and reaching the expected results.  The visit was important, we were flattered", he added.

At the end of the press conference, the athletes were given a plate with brigadeiro (a Brazilian chocolate sweet) to celebrate their achievements.

BrenoBarros, from London
Photo: Marcelo Saraiva
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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