Ministério do Esporte President Dilma Rousseff visits Crystal Palace and has lunch with Brazilian delegation
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President Dilma Rousseff visits Crystal Palace and has lunch with Brazilian delegation

Before attending the official opening ceremony of the Olympic Games this Friday (27.07), at the London Olympic Stadium, President Dilma Rousseff and the Minister of Sport Aldo Rebelo, visited the Crystal Palace Training Centre and had lunch with Brazilian athletes.  

"We are going to represent Brazil and we are going to give it our all", said the President to the athletes there. The ceremony had the attendance of athletes from the handball, athletics, swimming, diving and weight lifting teams.  Dilma was also given a yellow tracksuit top, which will be worn by Brazilian athletes on the podium.  

At lunch, made by Chef Roberta Sudbrack, the President sat with the Minister of Sport Aldo Rebelo and the President of the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB) Carlos Arthur Nuzman, as well as athletes Fernando Reis and Rosângela Santos from the athletics team, and handball player Chana.   

Located in South London, the structure that houses the athletes and is being used for the first time by Brazil?s team, for the preparation and acclimatisation of their delegation, is in a public park, surrounded by trees, which offers the necessary calm for athletes to focus adequately.    

The Crystal Palace headquarters is an innovation for Brazilian missions at Olympic Games. The swimming team were the first to use the facilities. The TC has been prepared to house athletes and all members of the Brazilian delegation not registered to stay at the Olympic Village. These are doctors, technical assistants, coaches, physiotherapists, sparring partners and members of the Sport Science division, among others.

Sport Sciences, medicine and physiotherapy are some of the most important areas that offer athletes services. One of the major innovations that COB brought to London are three robots, which allow for a medical team to get in touch, through videos on the internet, with experts from all over the world in order to supply for the needs of Brazilian athletes.

Breno Barros, from London
Photo: Marcelo Saraiva
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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