Ministério do Esporte President attends the opening of the Embassy in London and the Brazil at Heart exhibition
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President attends the opening of the Embassy in London and the Brazil at Heart exhibition

This Thursday (26.07), President Dilma Rousseff officially opened the new Brazilian embassy in London, as well as the Brazil at Heart exhibition, which the general public may visit from the 28th of July to the 2nd of September.  The exhibition shows the country?s capacity to host mega events, with innovative products and services, in addition to the growing tourist potential.

"We are all in this wonderful city, above all, because we shall also have a great moment in the Olympic Games and their opening ceremony. I am here together with the Mayor and Governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro, hoping that London carries out the best Olympics in 2012. We too are hoping to hold the best Olympics in 2016 and the best World Cup in 2014", said President Dilma.

The United Kingdom Foreign Office Minister Jeremy Browne welcomed President Dilma, thanked her for the invitation to visit the city of Rio de Janeiro and complimented the new Brazilian embassy in London.

Brazil?s Minister of External Relations Antonio Patriota, praised diplomatic relations between Brazilians and the British.  "Brazil and the United Kingdom have a close relation, which is being intensified as a result of both countries playing host to the Olympic Games.   Therefore, we have a new building, which represents Brazil's high profile at the contemporary international scene", he added.

Dilma Rousseff visited the Brazil at Heart exhibition, which may be visited from Tuesday to Sunday, from 12.00 to 18.00, with a varied programme, such as the playing of Brazilian films. From the 31st of July to the 15th of August, Londoners and tourists at the Olympic Games will be able to watch cultural performances from several regions in the country, showing Brazilian music, food and tourist destinations.

In relation to the exhibition, the Minister of Sport Aldo Rebelo highlighted that visitors will be able to see the great opportunities that football and the World Cup will bring to Brazil. "Opportunities for economic, social, scientific and technological development, and everything that the World Cup triggers in people. The aim is for society to make the most of it, as a horizon of development", he said.

The initiative will promote Brazil?s image during the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and is a joint action from the Ministry of External Relations and Tourism, the Brazilian Tourism Agency (EMBRATUR) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil).

Breno Barros, from London
Photo: Marcelo Saraiva
Ascom - Ministry of Sport
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