Ministério do Esporte Ministry of Sport will cover the Olympic Games in London
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Conheça os principais programas e ações da Secretaria Especial do Esporte.
Videorreportagens, textos e fotos mostram como os projetos são colocados em prática e os resultados alcançados em todo o país.

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Ministry of Sport will cover the Olympic Games in London

The journalism team of the Ministry of Sport will be in London to follow the performance of Brazilian athletes closely at the Olympic Games from the 27th of July to the 12th of August.  The coverage will have exclusive content, special reports and stories of athletes? daily experiences, in addition to videos produced by the TV NBR/EBC team, pictures, audio material, live broadcasting and participation of internet users.

You may see the website on (, which was created especially for the Olympics and check out the content. Social media networks will also be showered with information. Follow our profile on Twitter and Instagram, like our Facebook and Google + pages and watch the videos on YouTube.  All material may be reproduced, as long as the source is quoted.

On Twitter and Instagram, use #BRemLondres, hashtag for Brazilian sport at the London Olympic Games and take part in the coverage. With it, you will be able to follow all the Olympic news and send in suggestions, pictures and messages for the Brazilian delegation.

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